How cute is this picture?!?! You have to admit, you just LOVE the drool!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Day 58: My Toesies
Eliza has just discovered her toes and now she LOVES them. Sometimes when she isn't really trying her toes will go straight up in the air and then she is surprised and just has to touch them. We try to make her suck on the big toesies but she doesn't really like it. Surprise, surprise!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Day 56: Thanks
Until I had Eliza I never realized how generous my friends and ward members were. I never really understood making a meal for someone. I didn't know why you did it or how you would even know to do it. When I had Eliza our ward brought meals for a week after we got home from the hospital. And when I got pnemonia my friend Ronnie insisted on bringing dinner. At first you don't think you need it but then you realize that it sure is nice.
I was talking with my friend Jenny about receiving meals and we both decided that we would like to have meals delivered to us EVERY day!
Well when one of my other friends asked to bring her son over because her husband had to go into the hospital for an emergency out patient surgery I said, "Totally!" As her son was hanging out with Eliza, Ellie and myself the thought finally came to my mind "I need to make them dinner!" As I scrambled through my cupboards I located 5 very unrelated items (at least in my mind) and decided to call my mom. Of course my mom made a delicious meal out of those 5 ingredients and I delived it later that night. At first my friend said she didn't need it but by the time I brought it over she couldn't have been happier at the sight of the meal.
That is the day it finally clicked for me. That is what womanhood is all about, and what Relief Society is about. Now I am always looking for a reason to make someone dinner or have someone over!
I was talking with my friend Jenny about receiving meals and we both decided that we would like to have meals delivered to us EVERY day!
Well when one of my other friends asked to bring her son over because her husband had to go into the hospital for an emergency out patient surgery I said, "Totally!" As her son was hanging out with Eliza, Ellie and myself the thought finally came to my mind "I need to make them dinner!" As I scrambled through my cupboards I located 5 very unrelated items (at least in my mind) and decided to call my mom. Of course my mom made a delicious meal out of those 5 ingredients and I delived it later that night. At first my friend said she didn't need it but by the time I brought it over she couldn't have been happier at the sight of the meal.
That is the day it finally clicked for me. That is what womanhood is all about, and what Relief Society is about. Now I am always looking for a reason to make someone dinner or have someone over!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Day 55: Modeling a new bow
My aunt asked me if I could make a bow for her to give to a girlfriend of hers and of course I was happy to make one for her! I love making bows and just wish I knew more about the different types of bows. One can learn I suppose...
Well, I decided to try out the finished product on Eliza and she gave me this ADORABLE smile... what a CHEESER!
Well, I decided to try out the finished product on Eliza and she gave me this ADORABLE smile... what a CHEESER!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Day 54: Best of Friends
Ellie and Eliza are definitely just that... the best of friends!
It is so cute to watch these two interact with one another. When Ellie licks Eliza's hands, she giggles uncontrollably and when Eliza tries to pet Ellie which really means pulling her hair, Ellie is so gentle and kind. Hopefully these two sweet girls will ALWAYS be best friends!
It is so cute to watch these two interact with one another. When Ellie licks Eliza's hands, she giggles uncontrollably and when Eliza tries to pet Ellie which really means pulling her hair, Ellie is so gentle and kind. Hopefully these two sweet girls will ALWAYS be best friends!
Monday, February 22, 2010
Day 53: Happy 5 Months Eliza!
Can Eliza already be 5 months old! That is half of a pregnancy. It's kind of weird how you measure EVERYthing to the length of a pregnancy after you have a baby. What could I ever have compared time to before??
Anyway, Eliza is starting to sit, well trying to sit. She can do it for a few seconds and then topples over. We are working on it though. And the weird thing about it is that she hasn't rolled over yet. Don't worry though from everything I have read, it is pretty normal.
Well, Miss Pretty you sure are becoming your own little personality!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Day 51: Rock N Roll
My cousin, Kenzie, had her birthday party today and she got this AWESOME drum set for her birthday. I think the coolest part is that it is PINK! Have you ever seen a PINK drum set??
Matt and my uncle Kelly had a blast putting it together... I think it took about an hour! After it was all set up everyone wanted to try it. I think Matt tried it out even before Kenzie. A little bit later we had Eliza try it out and I think she liked it a little TOO much! Maybe these drums are in her future.
What a fun birthday, especially with that delicious Dairy Queen cake!
Matt and my uncle Kelly had a blast putting it together... I think it took about an hour! After it was all set up everyone wanted to try it. I think Matt tried it out even before Kenzie. A little bit later we had Eliza try it out and I think she liked it a little TOO much! Maybe these drums are in her future.
What a fun birthday, especially with that delicious Dairy Queen cake!
Friday, February 19, 2010
Day 50: See mee
We went to a play date with a few of my friends and their girls and although Eliza is a bit young we still had a great time. Eliza's most favorite part of the play date was sitting in Lorelai's swing and staring at herself in the mirror. It was just about the coolest swing I have ever seen.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Day 49: Cheater
I actually didn't take a picture for today... I was too lazy. I was going to take a picture of all the laundry I had to fold but then I got in bed and was too tired to get out of the warm snuggly, comfy bed. This is too cute of a pic though to not share. It's from Feb 22nd and Eliza is in the cutest unicorn pjs playing in her exersaucer.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Day 48: Eliza smiles with her eyes
My aunt Trina commented the other day that when Eliza smiles her eyes smile too. In this picture you can see exactly what Trina means. It is so hard to capture Eliza smiling but Matt did a pretty good job getting this shot. Isn't her cheerleading shirt adorable too?
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Day 47: Lost Camera
Today I took some very cute pictures of Eliza with my grandpa and my uncle at my cousin's basketball game. Unfortunately I have lost my camera. I have called the middle school and the movie theater that I went to that day and it hasn't turned up any where. It was just my point and shoot camera but still it was a great camera and I loved having it with me all of the time. If anyone sees a silver Sony Cybershot with a brown leather case please let me know.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Day 46: A Name = A Project
Before I knew I was pregnant I decided that I wanted to one day have my child's name on the wall and that I wanted to use scrapbook paper to decorate. Of course when I found out I was having a girl I knew my scrapbook paper options would be endless... eventually I found the perfect paper for the wooden letters. The best part though was I got the letters on SALE... what could be better?!?! I really like how it turned out and I'm using the left over paper on my wooden frame project.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Day 45: Treen's B-Day Party
Trina's birthday was really on Feb 12 but my grandparents were in Hawaii (too bad we didn't get to go!) and we were in Sacramento so we got to celebrate on Valentine's Day at my grandparents. We had delicious pizza and lemon raspberry bundt cake from Nothing Bundt Cakes... so delicious.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Day 44: And the story was told...
right on Eliza's hind side!!
Today my dad and Matt met us in Yuba City for more of Kelsey's games. It was great to have Matt there to help out with Eliza so I could watch more of the game and be a little more relaxed. The best part about Matt being there though was that he got to change a BLOW OUT! That's right... a BLOW OUT!
So we decided to use some newspaper to change Eliza on so we didn't get the poo all over the diaper bag changer or a blanket. Of course we had to take all of her clothes off (which was probably pretty chilly) and then wweiped her down with the wipes. The funny part is that we laid her down on the newspaper while she was still wet and the words TRANSFERRED onto her backside! It was so hilarious and was a good time for all (except Eliza)!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Day 43: Take me out the ball game...
Today my mom, Savannah, Eliza and I drove to Sacramento to watch Kelsey play two softball games. We got up bright and early, drove to Roseville, stopped at this Home Goods store that we like and headed off to the games. I'm sure my mom and I were a pretty hilarious sight with our strollers packed with a child each, a diaper bag, a lawn chair, toys, and a pack n' play. Both Savannah and Eliza did such a good job the whole day.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Day 42: The Temple
Last night Matt and I went to the temple. It was the first time we had been for a session since before Eliza was born and it was so good to be back. Before Eliza was born Matt and I tried to go at least twice a month, it was such a great habit and I found that I was a lot happier (and didn't get so frustrated with Matt). The temple just has a way of rejuvenating your soul... you feel so pumped up and your confidence of being able to follow the commandments is sky high. I hope that we can get back on track and make going to the temple a habit again.
I wish this picture wasn't so blurry but it was FREEZING cold and I was practically running.
I wish this picture wasn't so blurry but it was FREEZING cold and I was practically running.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Day 41: Boy or Girl?
I love having a GIRL! She is so much fun to dress up and make bows for and I love showing her off. Whenever we go out she (almost) ALWAYS has a bow on her head and a cute outfit on... with that said, some people still ask me if she is a BOY!!!! Come on people don't you see the BOW, the OUTFIT, the PINK???? One night I was out to eat with my girl friends and this old man asked if she was a HE.... ummm I guess he could have mistaken Eliza for a boy because her bow was BLUE... but still she had a BOW on, HELLLLLOOOOOO! Well I have since gotten over people's lack of baby know-how and pure common sense and have gone on about my business. The other day though this image even rattled my brain, lol.
She does still have HEARTS on her pants though.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Day 40: The Belly Book
When we started telling people that I was pregnant my friend Jenny told me about this pregnancy journal that she had found and was keeping during her pregnancy. It is called The Belly Book. It is the cutest little book. Of course it has a place to put a picture of yourself for every week you are pregnant (gross!) along with a little spot to journal, it even has a place for you to document your cravings, favorite song/book/show/etc. It has a place for your ultrasound pictures and for a summary of every doctors appointment. It even has a spot with questions of how you found out you were pregnant, who you told, what your baby shower was like, your delivery story and a belly epilogue (to document the fun AFTER stuff). Although I am not the BEST journal keeper I tried to keep the journal up-to-date and would fill in anything I missed. Well as some of you know, when you have a baby everything in the world goes on hold and you focus on three words: feeding, changing, sleeping. Well The Belly Book also was put on hold. So yesterday and today I finally got around to FINISHING the Belly Book. (When I say finishing I still have to print out a few pictures and work on the delivery story but besides that I am done!) I am so proud of myself that I just had to take a picture of this cute book.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Day 39: A little monster
Eliza LOVES her hands. She has even started sucking her thumb and she will put a little kick stand up with her index finger. I have tried a hundred times to get a picture of her sucking on her thumb but I am just NOT fast enough. It is still funny to see her eat her hands though. She looks like the cookie monster eating some cookies!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Day 37: Tiny toes
I always want to remember EXACTLY what Eliza looks like... I know that isn't quite possible but with pictures I can sure get close. Eliza's little feet have always been so adorable. When she was born we thought her big toes could also be thumbs because they were so BIG! Although, she doesn't cross her legs like she used to, sometimes she pairs her little feet and toesies together like she is trying to clap with them.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Day 36: Chilaxin
Today I went to Urgent Care for my wheezing (turns out I have bronchial pneumonia) so I dropped Eliza off at my mom's house. I plopped her down on the couch and this is how she landed. She was just chilaxin with her arm up and watching the TV. So cute.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Day 35b: Rice Cereal!
So after I posted day 35 I loaded pics from my other camera and saw that day 35 was also the first time Eliza tried rice cereal. As parents you want to document a child's first time eating to the MAX so we video taped most of it but this was a cute picture we took.
Day 35: A Project
So I've been wanting to do this project for a while now but haven't found the right frame... well today I went to the Goodwill store and found this great picture for $5.99. I have wonderful plans for this little picture... now lets see how long it takes me to get it done! ha.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Day 34: PJ time with mommy and Eliza
I love staying home with Eliza. We can stay in our pjs all day if we want or we can get ready, go out and be back in our jams at 4 pm. Every day is ours and we make it what WE want it to be... even if it is an all day pj day!
Gotta love two girlies in their pjs.
Gotta love two girlies in their pjs.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Day 33: Sleepy
Why is Ellie always so sleepy? She sleeps all night long and then takes naps throughout the entire day. So how can one small dog like herself be so sleepy?
Well, I don't have the answer but she sure is cute when she's sleeping!
Well, I don't have the answer but she sure is cute when she's sleeping!
Monday, February 1, 2010
Day 32: Sitting Up...
is hard to do.
Seeing that Eliza can't even roll over from her tummy to her back or her back to her tummy, sitting up should be hard... but she is STILL trying to do it.
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About Me

- The Keelers
- After a long time of searching we found each other in our local singles ward in Sparks, NV. We fell in love, got engaged and were married on June 21, 2008. Later that year we welcomed Ellie our little chihuahua, in September 2009 Eliza Christine joined our family, and in May 2011 Lucas Ivin was born. We are enjoying life in Reno and are looking forward to new adventures!
Blog Archive
- Day 59: Happy Baby
- Day 58: My Toesies
- Day 57: Mirror Image
- Day 56: Thanks
- Day 55: Modeling a new bow
- Day 54: Best of Friends
- Day 53: Happy 5 Months Eliza!
- Day 52: Snow and Lots of It!
- Day 51: Rock N Roll
- Day 50: See mee
- Day 49: Cheater
- Day 48: Eliza smiles with her eyes
- Day 47: Lost Camera
- Day 46: A Name = A Project
- Day 45: Treen's B-Day Party
- Day 44: And the story was told...
- Day 43: Take me out the ball game...
- Day 42: The Temple
- Day 41: Boy or Girl?
- Day 40: The Belly Book
- Day 39: A little monster
- Day 38: Nothing cuter than a little bum
- Day 37: Tiny toes
- Day 36: Chilaxin
- Day 35b: Rice Cereal!
- Day 35: A Project
- Day 34: PJ time with mommy and Eliza
- Day 33: Sleepy
- Day 32: Sitting Up...