Friday, March 26, 2010

Day 85: Coupons

I don't shop with coupons. I just don't. I don't have anything against them I just don't use them. Since we have a baby now and coupons are growing on trees (like we all wish money would do) I have decided to be selective and try a few. Now I've noticed that some coupons are just a scam. Like buy two boxes of rice cereal and save $.55. Well when your kid doesn't even like rice cereal why would you buy two boxes just to save $.55 when you could not buy any and save $4.00? Exactly. There are a few that are totally worth remembering to take them out of your wallet and insert them into the checker's hand though... like $4.00 off a box of wipes and a box of diapers from Costco. Can you even IMAGINE!?!?! When it is that good of a coupon you buy twice as much as you usually would, and that gets you here....


  1. Good job -- they should last you a little while. It's a good feeling to have items on hand.

  2. I thought Costco didn't DO coupons!? I need that coupon! I've never stopped buying wet wipes since Dallin was born. We use them for everything!


About Me

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After a long time of searching we found each other in our local singles ward in Sparks, NV. We fell in love, got engaged and were married on June 21, 2008. Later that year we welcomed Ellie our little chihuahua, in September 2009 Eliza Christine joined our family, and in May 2011 Lucas Ivin was born. We are enjoying life in Reno and are looking forward to new adventures!


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