Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day 41: Boy or Girl?

I love having a GIRL! She is so much fun to dress up and make bows for and I love showing her off. Whenever we go out she (almost) ALWAYS has a bow on her head and a cute outfit on... with that said, some people still ask me if she is a BOY!!!! Come on people don't you see the BOW, the OUTFIT, the PINK???? One night I was out to eat with my girl friends and this old man asked if she was a HE.... ummm I guess he could have mistaken Eliza for a boy because her bow was BLUE... but still she had a BOW on, HELLLLLOOOOOO! Well I have since gotten over people's lack of baby know-how and pure common sense and have gone on about my business. The other day though this image even rattled my brain, lol.

She does still have HEARTS on her pants though.


  1. It's always the old people that can't tell the difference! Especially old men. :) Must be color blind. She is definitely ALL girl.

  2. She is soo cute it is amazing how people can't connect. I am sure it is not just OLD people.


About Me

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After a long time of searching we found each other in our local singles ward in Sparks, NV. We fell in love, got engaged and were married on June 21, 2008. Later that year we welcomed Ellie our little chihuahua, in September 2009 Eliza Christine joined our family, and in May 2011 Lucas Ivin was born. We are enjoying life in Reno and are looking forward to new adventures!


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